Press Eye - Northern Ireland - 30th Jan 2025 Springboard - Launch event of a new PEACEPLUS programme. (caption from client) Photograph by Declan Roughan / Press Eye

Springboard Launches Innovative Journeys Programme


Springboard Launches Innovative Journeys Programme to Empower Disadvantaged Young People

Springboard proudly launched the Journeys Programme, an innovative cross-community and cross-border project supported by PEACEPLUS, a programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).

The event, held on the 30th of January at the Shankill Shared Women’s Centre, officially celebrated the launch of the transformative programme that will support young people from diverse communities across Greater Belfast, Greater Limavady, Derry/Londonderry, and Monaghan/Cavan. The programme will enable participants to realise their potential and become active contributors to building a shared, united, and more connected society.

The Journeys Programme is designed to foster personal growth, promote diversity, and encourage active citizenship among young people. Through the Programme, lead partner, Springboard, with partners Roe Valley Residents Association (RVRA), Cavan Monaghan Education Board (CMETB), and Creggan Enterprises (CE), will design and deliver 12 tailored programmes annually, supporting a total of 1,728 young people.

Speaking at the launch event, representatives from Springboard highlighted the significance of the programme in building a more cohesive and inclusive society. The change-focused programme will address the needs of distinct groups of young people, enabling them to build capacity, a greater appreciation of diversity and a growing understanding of how they can influence their life situation and the world around them.

Moira Doherty, Head of Skills and Education at the Department for the Economy, said after the launch: “The new Journeys project will support skills development in young people, helping them to progress to the next stage of their journey, improving their life chances and enabling them to realise their potential. Encouraging participation in inclusion programmes such as this, is a critical part of removing barriers to inclusion and tackling economic inactivity”

Gina McIntyre, [Chief Executive of SEUPB] said: “Investing in young people is truly essential for long-term peace and prosperity. It will give young people the opportunity to improve their life chances, skills, education, confidence building, creative and sporting activities, and will encourage social entrepreneurship.

“Throughout the PEACE Programmes, the impact on young people who became involved in these targeted programmes has been widely accepted as being instrumental in improving their life opportunities. In recognition of the critical role that our young people play in sustaining long-term peace and prosperity in any post-conflict society, one of six key themes within the PEACEPLUS programmes is dedicated entirely to empowering and investing in young people.  The fresh perspectives of our young people, and their openness to change, are essential for fostering mutual understanding and creating sustainable peace. We empower them to act as ambassadors within their communities, promoting long-term impacts and inclusivity in peacebuilding efforts. The Journeys Programme will offer a platform for young people to build individual capacity and develop vital skills through a range of interventions, promoting leadership, mutual understanding, and an appreciation of diversity.”

Steph O’Rourke [Executive Director Springboard Opportunities]:

“Springboard is delighted, along with our partners, to launch the Journeys project which will support and positively impact 1,728 young people from across diverse communities in N. Ireland and border counties of Cavan and Monaghan. For over 32 years, we have been working with young people and communities who face disadvantage and division within and across communities. As an organisation we are dedicated to building peace and contributing to a society that values diversity by encouraging mutual understanding and respect, and fosters positive, sustainable relationships across difference.

The Journeys programme represents a significant opportunity to bring young people together to realise their potential and become changemakers in building a shared, united, and more connected society. We are proud to lead this initiative which places young people at its heart and will make a lasting positive difference to them and our society.”

For more information about the Journeys Programme, please contact Springboard



Notes to Editors:

· The Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) is a North South Body with the statutory remit for managing EU funding programmes within Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland.


· PEACEPLUS is a cross-border funding Programme designed to support peace and prosperity across Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland. The total value of PEACEPLUS is €1.14 billion.


· PEACEPLUS is co-funded by the European Union, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Government of Ireland, and the Northern Ireland administration.


Springboard Opportunities Limited

· Established in 1992, Springboard’s focuses on building capacity, encouraging citizenship and promoting peace and mutual understanding.

· They have a proven 30+ year track record and have worked with 15,000+ people in over 400 programmes, leading to exceptional outcomes of significant personal growth and increased aspiration.

· For more information, please visit


Journeys Initiative

Funded under the PEACEPLUS, Youth Programme Investment Area, Journeys is an innovative cross-community / cross-border initiative of tailored programme interventions to support distinct groups of young people from diverse communities in Greater Belfast, Limavady, Derry, Cavan and Monaghan to realise their potential and become active contributors in building a shared, united and more cohesive society. Together young people will build individual capacity, increase their employability and develop an appreciation of diversity and active citizenship. The initiative is led by Springboard with Roe Valley Residents Association, Cavan Monaghan Education and Training Board and Creggan Enterprises as partners.


For more information contact:

Chloe Magill

Engagement & Communications Coordinator

Springboard Opportunities Limited

112-114 Donegall Street

Belfast, BT1 2GX

Tel: 02890 315111 Email:

Press Eye – Northern Ireland – 30th Jan 2025
Springboard – Launch event of a new PEACEPLUS programme. (caption from client)
Photograph by Declan Roughan / Press Eye
Press Eye – Northern Ireland – 30th Jan 2025
Springboard – Launch event of a new PEACEPLUS programme. (caption from client)
Photograph by Declan Roughan / Press Eye
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