
Start the Adventure

In partnership with Roe Valley Residents Association, Creggan Enterprises, Cavan & Monaghan Education & Training Board, Journeys offers diverse opportunities for young people to realise their potential and actively contribute to building a shared and united society.

A project supported by PEACEPLUS, a programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB)
Project Status:

Programme Locations: Belfast, Limavady, Derry, Cavan & Monaghan

Dates: 2024-2027

Availability: Open for recruitment


From Greater Belfast, Limavady, Derry and Cavan & Monaghan

14-24 years

What is Journeys?

Journeys is a targeted capacity-building programme for young people aged 14-24 years, who are most disadvantaged, excluded or marginalised, have deep social and emotional needs and are at risk of becoming involved in anti-social behaviour, violence or paramilitary activity. Young people will be from Belfast and Derry, particularly from geographical areas which suffer high levels of social/economic deprivation, and those areas encircled by the legacy of the conflict/unrest; disadvantaged wards of Greater Limavady & disadvantaged areas in the Border regions of Cavan and Monaghan.

Please see the individual project pages for more info:

Ignite: for 14-17yr olds for 6 months
For young people who may be at risk of anti-social behaviour.

Gamechanger: for 16- 24yr olds for 6 months
For young people who may be at risk of social exclusion have low self-esteem or involved anti-social behaviour.  The young people may have barriers hindering them in reaching their goals.

Gener8: for 16-24 yr olds for 6 months.
Young people will be supported to work towards the goals they set for the programme. A youth led initiative that in which the young people will lead their own learning.

Fuse: for 16-24 yr olds for 6 months.
Working young people who have an interest in the creative arts or are musically minded to socially and culturally within society, concluding with a music performance.

Xceler8: for 16-24 yr olds for 6 months.
Working with young people to develop leadership skills and have a positive influence. The young people may be at risk from personal or social disadvantages or have been impact by negative behaviour within their communities.

If you are 16-24, not in employment, education or training and would like to sign up to Journeys send us your name & email using the contact form below and one of the team will help get you started.

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    Learn more about what we do

    If you’re a funding body, an individual donor or an organisation interested in partnership, get in touch.

    Our Approach

    We commit all our efforts to delivering programmes that deliver positive change.

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    Our Projects

    Our programmes evolve from the needs of the people and communities with whom we work.

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    Our Impact

    The experiences of our participants determine how we shape and change what we do. Their success is our impact.

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    Get Involved

    Our success is down to our participants, our communities, and our partners. Be part of the change we make, we’d love your help.

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